Tuesday, January 11, 2011


This past week, a friend was dealing with the loss of an old, dear friend of hers.  It was an expected passing and this lady had certainly lived a full and rewarding life...it was simply her time.  As she told me of how they met, the relationship they shared and how they never lost touch even though miles separated them, she said something that struck me and stuck with me.  She said, "She was the kind of woman that, when she was talking to you, she made you feel like nothing else in the entire world existed. A circle of love encompassed you and you were the only one that mattered, even if just for that moment." 

Wow, what if we all had that effect on the people we interacted with. What if we could all do that just once a day, even once a week....once in a while, make a person feel like they had our undivided attention and nothing was as important at that moment as they were.  Imagine the changes we are capable of in this life. Simple acts of kindness, mere drops in the pond, that ripple around the world.  When you fade away, what will they remember?
